The Importance Of Teaching Your Children Self Defense

We live in a very dangerous world and sadly there are predators everywhere trying to get at our children. If you take a look at the newspapers or online, you will notice that many crimes take place every day and the crime rate is increasing rapidly with more and more young people turning toward the wrong path. This could be because it is becoming more and more difficult to survive financially with the jobs that we have and therefore, young people are choosing the easy way out with burglaries and such but on the other hand, there are also a lot more sexual harassment cases with even children being targeted as victims. Another thing that you will notice if you look around is that you will see that the whole world has become a lot more sexualized than it was a decade ago.

No age is too young

You need to teach your child from the day she is able to understand that she has the right to say no and what her boundaries are. You can never be too careful which is why you should never let your young child go out alone and you should start sending her for kids taekwondo when she is quite small so that she will be a professional at it when she is a pre-teen. Sadly many parents think these are stories that they hear on the internet and that it could never happen to their own children and as a result of this way of thinking, they tend to lower their protection which can lead to heartbreaking circumstances.

In fact, you might want to consider taking mother and daughter martial arts classes to improve your skills to defend yourself as this will not only teach your daughter self-defense but it will also be quality time that you will be spending with her, something that you can never have too much of. Everywhere you look you will see nudity and sexual references where sex has become something so cheap that it is being used to sell everything from cars to movies. One cannot even watch a movie without having to see a nude scene or a sexual scene and these things are sadly even being put in to children’s movies in this day and age and therefore, many people are becoming sexual predators. Even on the computer when your child is playing a game or on social media, there could be predators trying to lure or trap your child. They may pretend to be a child of the same age.